It is okay for parents to volunteer in Junior High!! In fact we encourage it and at present have many wonderful parents helping out in many aspects of our school life. Are you interested? If so, please email the school at Allendale@epsb.caThis e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or call at 780-434-6756 and let us know what you are interested in doing.
What can volunteers do? Here are a few ideas, but we are open to any ideas you might have. It would be great to hear from you.
- Organize a club
- Coach or help with a team
- Read to a class or students
- Set up a display
- Drive for a school event
- Prepare a hot lunch
- Library work - a range of activities
- Join a field trip
- Provide office support
- Fund raising
- Help with technology
- Tutoring a student
- Speak on or present a topic of interest to a class
- Help students practice speaking or reading a second language